Sunday, September 5, 2010


Les Salads

Salad can be one of the most colorful and flavorsome items on the menu.A salad can be a meal in itself,as an accompaniment or a side dish.

Salad can simply be described as "preparation made up of cold cooked or uncooked ingredients".By strict definition,salads consist of herbs and edible plants,often combined with a dressing,served cold and eaten raw.Today the term "salad" is used much more broadly.They can be served,cold or warm,cooked or raw.

Traditionally salads were served as an appetizer to refresh the customer's palate for the following course to come,especially when there are a lot of courses on offer.If served as a main course it should be more substantial and nutritious.

Today in large kitchens salad preparation is under the care of the larder section or the Chef Garde-Manger or cold kitchen.The larder is the coldest part of the kitchen and where all cold items are produced.In some establishments(mainly fine dining)the salad may be produced by the waiter at the table.However the larder section would still do all the preparation work.

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