Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poached Eggs Benedict


  • Eggs                                              2
  • water                                             1Lt
  • Vinegar                                          1 tblsp
  • Salt                                                1 pinch
  • English muffin toasted & buttered    1
  • Hollandaise                                    120ml
  • Ham                                              50g
  • Butter                                            10g
  • Seasoning                                      To taste

  1. Make 200ml hollandaise and keep warm for use.
  2. Heat water,vinegar and salt in an appropriate sized pot and bring to a simmer.
  3. Toast the split muffins and keep warm.
  4. Crack egg into container and then place into poaching water and cook.
  5. Warm ham.
  6. Place on a warm plate the toasted muffins,then ham on top of muffins and poached eggs on top of ham.Finish by napping the hollandaise on top of eggs.Can be gratinated under the salamander.Garnish and serve hot.

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