Monday, September 6, 2010

Beurre Blanc


  • Butter                100g
  • White wine         50ml
  • White vinegar     20ml
  • Shallots fine dice 30g
  • Cream                15ml
  • Seasoning           To taste

  1. Fine dice the shallots then add to a small pot and the vinegar and white wine.
  2. Reduce the liquid and shallots to 1/4 the original volume.
  3. Add cream if chef requires to help the emulsification of the butter,but remember this will change the flavor and color of the end product.
  4. Mix in the diced butter over a very low heat always stir so the mix forms a creamy smooth sauce that is well emulsified.
  5. Season the mix to taste with salt and pepper then strain if a smooth sauce is required. 

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