Monday, September 6, 2010

Chicken Veloute Cream Soup


  • Butter                                                                70g
  • Flour                                                                 60g
  • Chicken stock hot                                             1L
  • Chicken breast skin off and poached in stock     80g
  • Egg yolks                                                          2
  • Thickened cream                                               80ml
  • Seasoning                                                          To taste
  • Parsley fine chopped                                          To garnish
  • Julienne Vegetables

  1. Heat butter and add flour.Mix together continuously while stirring till a blond roux forms(butter should look crumbly).Cool down to stop the cooking process.
  2. Add the hot stock while whisking in till the mixture is smooth and lump free.Coating consistency should be achieved as the mix boils and forms a thickened stock or veloute.
  3. Check the consistency.Sieve through a fine strainer.
  4. Season to taste then add finely diced chicken pieces approximately 4mm cubed.
  5. Thicken with an egg yolk and cream liaison.Do not boil or reheat after the liaison is added serve immediately.Garnish with Julienne veg,parsley and serve in a hot bowl 250ml.


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