Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gnocchi Napolitana

Gnocchi Italian

  • Egg yolk                              1/2
  • Flour                                   80g
  • Potato cooked and peeled   350g
  • Seasoning                           To taste
  • Flour                                  To dust
  • Butter                                 40g
  • Sage                                   10 leaves

  1. Place on a pot of salted water to blanch the gnocchi.
  2. Scrub potatoes and place in cold water in a separate pot.
  3. Bring to boil and cook potatoes until teknder(easily crushed with little pressure from fingers,cracking apart)
  4. Strain well,peel and then mash while still hot,using a potato ricer or pass through a sieve.Use a mouille for large volumes.
  5. This will form a stiff mash that is not overworked so the starch doesn't become sticky.
  6. Add egg yolks,seasoning,and flour (parmesan and nutmeg are optional) while mash is still hot.Knead gently till just combined.
  7. DO NOT -overwork or knead dough as it will become tough.
  8. DO NOT add extra flour as it will soften dough,and the finished product will be chewy.
  9. DO NOT use overcooked potatoes as they will form a sloppy mash,and will make dough too soft to handle.
  10. While dough is warm,cut off a section of around 1/2 cup in size and roll out on a floured bench with hands to form a 1 1/2cm thick rope/cylinder.
  11. Cut the rope with a flexible steel scraper or chef's knife on an angle 2cm long and dust with flour.
  12. Blanch in boiling salted water.Blanch till gnocchi rises and floats for thirty seconds.Remove and refresh in iced water or serve immediately.
  13. Serve with butter and sage beurre noisette.
  14. If storing then strain cold gnocchi carefully then cover in oil and store in fridge.
Napolitana Sauce

  • Basil chiffonade                                              1/5 bunch
  • Bay leaves                                                      2
  • Butter                                                             20g
  • Carrots                                                           30g
  • Garlic crushed                                                1 tblsp
  • Onion                                                             50g
  • Oregano                                                         1/6 bunch
  • Sugar castor                                                    1 tsp
  • Tomato peeled whole and liquid                      800g
  • Wine red                                                         50ml
  1. Finely dice onion and sweat off.
  2. Add finely chopped carrot and garlic and sweat.
  3. Add red wine and reduce.
  4. Add roughly chopped tomatoes and season,bring to boil,skim.
  5. Add oregano and 2/3 basil.
  6. Cook slowly until a thick consistency is reached.
  7. Add sugar as required.
  8. This can be passed for a smoother consistency.
  9. Reboil,check consistency and flavor,season to taste.
  10. Finish with 1/2 basil.

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