Monday, September 6, 2010

Prawn Bisque


  • Brandy hardy black           40ml
  • Butter unsalted                  10g
  • Carrots medium                 50g
  • Cream thickened               50ml
  • Flour rice                          1 tblsp
  • Onion brown                     50g
  • Paprika sweet                    1/2 tsp
  • Prawn shells & heads         500g
  • Thyme fresh                       2 sprigs
  • Tomato paste                     30g
  • Fish stock                          1L

  1. Roast prawn shells.
  2. Finely chop onion,carrot and brown in a 4 Lt stock pot.
  3. Add shells,flambé with 1/2 brandy.
  4. Add tomato paste,paprika and cook out for 5 min then add fish stock.
  5. Bring to boil,skim,add herbs.
  6. Simmer for 1.5-2 hours.
  7. Dilute rice flour with water,whisk in.
  8. Cook out for 10 min,pass through a chinois then re-boil.
  9. Check consistency,flavor.
  10. Finish with brandy,cream,cayenne pepper.

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