Monday, September 6, 2010

Pumpkin Soup


  • Vegetable stock powdered        1/2 tsp
  • Water                                       700ml
  • Brown onion sliced                    100g
  • Butter                                         20g
  • Carrots                                      100g
  • Potatoes                                    150g
  • Pumpkin                                    250g
  • Thyme                                       2 sprigs
  • Cream                                       75ml
  • Parsley chopped                        To garnish

  1. Sweat off onions in butter,then add thyme,pumpkin and carrots diced in 2cm cubes.
  2. Add stock to hot water then add to pot with potatoes.
  3. Bring to boil and then skim.
  4. Simmer for 1 hr or until carrots are soft then puree and pass through a chinoise.
  5. Check consistency of the soup.
  6. Place back in pot and bring back to the boil,add cream and season to taste.Garnish. 

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