Monday, September 6, 2010

Bearnaise Sauce


  • Butter unsalted                        300g
  • Chervil fresh                            2 sprigs
  • Tarragon fresh                         1 sprig
  • Wine white                              100ml
  • Shallot fine dice                       20g
  • Vinegar white whine                50ml
  • Peppercorn crushed                4
  • Water                                     20ml
  • Egg yolks                                3
  • Lemons                                  1/2
  • Cayenne pepper                      Pinch

  1. Clarify butter and decant
  2. Reduce 50ml vinegar,100ml white wine,diced shallots,tarragon stalks,
  3. Chervil stalks and peppercorns by 2/3.Keep herb leaves for the sauce garnish.
  4. Add water and then strain through a fine strainer
  5. Separate eggs,add reduction to yolks
  6. Whisk over hot water Bain Marie (Sabayon)
  7. When ribbon stage is reached remove from heat
  8. Add clarified butter while whisking continously.If it becomes too thick or starts to separate,add a little hot water to bring back to thick coating consistency,and pass through strainer.
  9. Add chopped herbs,lemon juice and season to taste.Add Cayenne if desired then store at 30-37°C for up to 3 hours then throw out.
NB: this sauce should be of a thicker consistency and sharper flavor than Hollandaise.

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