Monday, September 6, 2010

Clarified Butter Croutons/Sippets


  • Butter unsalted          300g
  • Bread                       3 slices


  1. Place unsalted butter in a bowl above a low simmering pot of water (Bain Marie).
  2. Once butter has melted turn off so the butter solids do not boil through fat.
  3. Skim off the butterfat or Ghee and keep aside for the flying of sippets.
  4. Remove the crust of 2 of the bread slices.Dice into approximately 8mm cubes.
  5. Cut with a round cutter 2×4cm round of bread from another slice.
  6. Heat 1/4 of the clarified butter to medium heat in the pan and fry off the round croute.
  7. Place pan on heat and warm then add butterfat free from any solids.
  8. Add diced bread and toss through the mix moving constantly.This will create evencooking on all sides of the dice and prevent burning of any one side.
  9. Drain on paper towel and serve warm

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