Monday, September 6, 2010

Moroccan Chicken

  • Chicken whole          1
  • Onion                       100+50g
  • Carrots                     100+50g
  • Celery                      100+50g
  • Coriander                 1/10 bunch
  • Lemons                    1
  • Beans green              50g
  • Moroccan spice        1 tsp
  • Tumeric roots            1 tblsp
  • Wine white                150ml

  1. Break down chicken.
  2. Top and tail 50g beans and cut in half.Onion 50g,celery 50g,carrots 50g cut into macédoine/paysanne.
  3. Make chicken stock with frames and off cuts of celery,carrot and onion.
  4. Simmer for minimum 1 hour.Strain.
  5. Infuse stock with spices,tumeric,lemon zest,lemon juice,wine,coriander roots and stems.
  6. Poach chicken gently in stock.
  7. Add remaining shaped vegetables and blanch in stock to served.
  8. Garnish with fresh coriander and a pinch of Moroccan spice.

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