Monday, September 6, 2010

Hollandaise Sauce


  • Butter unsalted                300g(clarified 200ml)
  • Egg yolks                        3
  • Lemon juiced                  1/4
  • Vinegar white wine          50ml
  • Wine white                      50ml
  • Peppercorns crushed       3
  • Water                             1 tblsp
  • Cayenne pepper              1 pinch
  • Seasoning                        To taste

  1. Clarify butter and decant
  2. Reduce 50ml vinegar,50ml white wine,and peppercorns by 2/3
  3. Cool and add approx. 40ml water
  4. Separate eggs and add reduction to yolks
  5. Whisk over hot water bain marie (sabayon)
  6. When ribbon stage is reached remove from heat
  7. Add butter gradually while whisking continually
  8. Pass through muslin or a fine sieve
  9. Season with salt,lemon juice,cayenne
  10. Keep at 30-37°C

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