Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gnocchi Napolitana

Gnocchi Italian

  • Egg yolk                              1/2
  • Flour                                   80g
  • Potato cooked and peeled   350g
  • Seasoning                           To taste
  • Flour                                  To dust
  • Butter                                 40g
  • Sage                                   10 leaves

  1. Place on a pot of salted water to blanch the gnocchi.
  2. Scrub potatoes and place in cold water in a separate pot.
  3. Bring to boil and cook potatoes until teknder(easily crushed with little pressure from fingers,cracking apart)
  4. Strain well,peel and then mash while still hot,using a potato ricer or pass through a sieve.Use a mouille for large volumes.
  5. This will form a stiff mash that is not overworked so the starch doesn't become sticky.
  6. Add egg yolks,seasoning,and flour (parmesan and nutmeg are optional) while mash is still hot.Knead gently till just combined.
  7. DO NOT -overwork or knead dough as it will become tough.
  8. DO NOT add extra flour as it will soften dough,and the finished product will be chewy.
  9. DO NOT use overcooked potatoes as they will form a sloppy mash,and will make dough too soft to handle.
  10. While dough is warm,cut off a section of around 1/2 cup in size and roll out on a floured bench with hands to form a 1 1/2cm thick rope/cylinder.
  11. Cut the rope with a flexible steel scraper or chef's knife on an angle 2cm long and dust with flour.
  12. Blanch in boiling salted water.Blanch till gnocchi rises and floats for thirty seconds.Remove and refresh in iced water or serve immediately.
  13. Serve with butter and sage beurre noisette.
  14. If storing then strain cold gnocchi carefully then cover in oil and store in fridge.
Napolitana Sauce

  • Basil chiffonade                                              1/5 bunch
  • Bay leaves                                                      2
  • Butter                                                             20g
  • Carrots                                                           30g
  • Garlic crushed                                                1 tblsp
  • Onion                                                             50g
  • Oregano                                                         1/6 bunch
  • Sugar castor                                                    1 tsp
  • Tomato peeled whole and liquid                      800g
  • Wine red                                                         50ml
  1. Finely dice onion and sweat off.
  2. Add finely chopped carrot and garlic and sweat.
  3. Add red wine and reduce.
  4. Add roughly chopped tomatoes and season,bring to boil,skim.
  5. Add oregano and 2/3 basil.
  6. Cook slowly until a thick consistency is reached.
  7. Add sugar as required.
  8. This can be passed for a smoother consistency.
  9. Reboil,check consistency and flavor,season to taste.
  10. Finish with 1/2 basil.

Risotto With Asparagus


  • Brown onion fine diced                                      30g
  • Olive oil                                                            30ml
  • Garlic                                                                1/2 clove
  • Arborio rice                                                       100g
  • White wine                                                         30ml
  • Water or light veg stock                                     500ml
  • Asparagus(stems removed,flesh sliced)               1/4 bunch
  • Cold butter                                                         10g
  • Parmesan grated                                                 30g
  • Chopped chervil & sprig for garnish                    1tsp

  1. Sweat onions and garlic in olive oil then add the rice stirring constantly to prevent sticking and to warm the rice.Deglaze with white wine,over a very low heat.
  2. Then add 1 small ladle of white wine at a time stirring in so that all the liquid is incorporated before adding more.Add only enough stock to cook the rice 1 ladle at a time.
  3. When rice is half cooked,add the asparagus and season to taste.
  4. Finish with cold butter and grated Parmesan when the rice is al dente.Garnish.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cous Cous


  • Cous cous                100g
  • Stock/water              100ml
  • Butter                       10g
  • Seasoning                 To taste

  1. Heat stock or water to packet specifications for liquid to cous cous amount.
  2. Add butter to stock and season if necessary.
  3. Place cous cous in boiling stock that has just come off the heat.
  4. Stir gently so that the cous cous absorbs any visible stock then leave and cover container airtight so the rest of the stock is absorbed.
  5. After 10 minutes remove the airtight cover and fluff the cous cous with a fork.The grains should be separated and cooked through not crunchy.



  • Polenta fine                        150g
  • Milk                                  100ml
  • Stock                                500ml
  • Cream                               40ml
  • Seasoning                          To taste
  • Cheese                              2 tblsp

  1. Heat stock and milk,bring to boil.
  2. Gradually stir in polenta and mix until a smooth paste forms.
  3. Turn heat down low and cook out for 20 min stirring regularly.
  4. Add cream,cheese and check consistency and seasoning.

Pilaf Rice

  • Onion finely diced                              50g
  • Olive oil                                             10ml
  • Bay leaf                                             1
  • Seasoning                                          To taste
  • Long grain rice                                   1 cup
  • Veg/chicken stock                             1 1/2 cup
  • Cold butter                                        1 tblsp
  1. Sweat onions in olive oil.Add rice,bay leaf and stir through to warm.
  2. Add boiling hot stock and cover with a tight fitting lid.
  3. Place in an oven @ 180°C for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from the oven and fork through butter with seasoning.

Pommes Sauté


  1. Wash potato,place in salted water.
  2. Bring to boil,simmer until almost cooked.
  3. Drain,peel,cool.Slice 3mm thick.
  4. Heat pan,add oil,place potatoes in and color each side.
  5. When cooked,finish with butter.
  6. Drain,sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Pommes Duchess,Pomme Marquise,Pomme William and Pomme Croquette

Duchess Mix


  • Butter                            30g
  • Egg yolks                      2
  • Nutmeg                         1 pinch
  • Potato Pontiac/Sebago  500g
  • Seasoning                      To taste

  1. Cut potatoes into even sized pieces and place in a salted water.Bring to the boil and simmer gently until tender (approx.20-25 min)
  2. Drain well,return to the pan and place in the oven to dry out for a few minute.Pass the potatoes through a medium sieve or masher and place in a clean pan.
  3. Add egg yolks and butter to the potatoes,season and mix in thoroughly with a wooden spatula over moderate heat.
Pomme Duchess

  1. Pipe duchess mix in a cone shape onto a buttered tray.Egg wash,bake.
Pomme Marquise

  1. Pipe duchess mix in a flat circle form and fill top with tomato concassées.

Crumbing William and Croquette


  • Duchess mix
  • Flour
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Breadcrumbs
Method---Pommes William:

  1. Place duchess mix on floured board and mould into a baby pear shape.
  2. Refrigerate so the mix becomes firm.
  3. Pass the pieces of potato through the flour,egg wash and then roll in the breadcrumbs.
  4. Place a clove in the bottom of the pear,bay leave for the leave,parsley stalk  for the stem.
  5. Place in deep fry basket and deep fry at 180 degree until golden brown.
  6. Drain.
Method---Pommes Croquette

  1. Place duchess mix on floured board and roll into long cylinders 2 cm diameter.Cut into pieces approximately 5cm in length,allowing three per portion.
  2. Refrigerate so the mix becomes firm.
  3. Pass the pieces of potato cylinder through the flour,egg wash and then roll in the breadcrumbs.
  4. Place in deep fry basket and deep fry at 180 degree until golden brown.
  5. Drain.

Potato Rösti/Swiss Potato/Potato Cake


  • Potato Nicola        400g
  • Flour                     1 tblsp
  • Butter

  1. Wash potatoes well and bring to the boil in a pan of salted water.Simmer very slowly until only just cooked but still very firm.
  2. Peel and allow to rest and cool completely then grate coarsely.
  3. Heat the fats in a 22-24cm heavy frying pan.Add the potatoes and season with salt and pepper.Press flat.
  4. Cook the potato slowly until golden brown and crisp underneath then slide onto a flat tray.Place the extra butter in the pan and turn the potatoes over back into the pan.Carry on cooking until brown and crisp on this side.When ready,turn onto a round dish and serve immediately.



  • Eggs                   3
  • Butter                 10g
  • Cream                50ml
  • Gruyere cheese  40g
  • Seasoning
  1. Crack eggs individually into a bowl and add to main bowl,mix in cream and seasoning.
  2. Whisk together until incorporated with no whites showing.
  3. Season a black iron pan so it is non-stick.Bring to a medium heat then melt butter and quickly add egg mix to pan.Stir while setting,add grated Gruyere cheese.
  4. Fold omelette over into a cigar like shape and garnish on a plate.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Scrambled Eggs


  • Eggs                                3
  • Cream                             1 tblsp
  • Seasoning                        To taste
  • Oil                                   1/2 tsp
  • Parsley chopped              To garnish
  • Toast                               2

  1. Crack eggs into a bowl with cream and seasoning then break up with a whisk without making the mix frothy.
  2. Heat a pan and add mix stirring constantly with a wooden spoon and cook slowly until almost set and take off the heat.
  3. Serve in a warm egg dish.Garnish with chopped parsley

Poached Eggs Benedict


  • Eggs                                              2
  • water                                             1Lt
  • Vinegar                                          1 tblsp
  • Salt                                                1 pinch
  • English muffin toasted & buttered    1
  • Hollandaise                                    120ml
  • Ham                                              50g
  • Butter                                            10g
  • Seasoning                                      To taste

  1. Make 200ml hollandaise and keep warm for use.
  2. Heat water,vinegar and salt in an appropriate sized pot and bring to a simmer.
  3. Toast the split muffins and keep warm.
  4. Crack egg into container and then place into poaching water and cook.
  5. Warm ham.
  6. Place on a warm plate the toasted muffins,then ham on top of muffins and poached eggs on top of ham.Finish by napping the hollandaise on top of eggs.Can be gratinated under the salamander.Garnish and serve hot.

Poached Eggs


  • Eggs                    2
  • Vinegar               50ml
  • Water                 500ml

  1. Heat pot with 5-10 cm deep of water and bring to the boil.
  2. Crack egg into a container then tip egg into swirling water turned down to low simmer.
  3. Let the egg cook till white has set and yolk is still runny.Strain and serve hot.

Poached Fish


  • Whole fish deboned and filletes    1
  • Court bouillon                         700ml
  • Lemon juice
  • Buerre Blanc                           50ml

  1. Place whole fillet in a pan with court bouillonat poaching temperature so that the fillet is completely covered.
  2. Poach till cooked where the fish when gently pressed starts to flake apart.
  3. Remove from the liquid with a long offset spatula and allow to drain.
  4. Make Buerre Blance sauce.Garnish.

Court Bouillon


  • Onion                       1/6
  • Leeks                       1/6
  • Carrots                     1/4
  • Celery                      1/4 stick
  • Dill                           2 sprigs
  • Peppercorns white   4
  • Bay leaf                   1
  • Parsley stalk            4
  • Water                     1 Lt
  • Seasoning               Pinch

  1. Place all ingredients in a pan or poaching dish and bring to boil.Skim
  2. Turn down to a poaching temperature

Monday, September 6, 2010

Osso Bucco


  • Osso Bucco                      200g
  • Carrots                             30g
  • Celery                               1/2 stick
  • Leek                                 50g
  • Onion                                50g
  • Thyme                              4 sprigs
  • Garlic sliced                      1/2 clove
  • Garlic crushed                   1/2 clove
  • Tomato crushed                 1/2 cup
  • Tomato paste                     1 tblsp
  • White wine                         50ml
  • Veal stock (can be powdered)1 cup
  • Bay leaf                              1
  • Peppercorn                         2
  • Parsley fine chopped           1 tsp
  • Lemon fine chopped zest     1/2

  1. Cut outside sinew holding muscle groups,season and coat in flour lightly
  2. Brown on all sides in a little oil in a small pot for 1 serve
  3. Fry mirepoix,drain,place in braising pan.
  4. Add thyme,bay leaf,sliced garlic,peppercorns crushed and tomato paste
  5. Cook out for 5 min then put meat on top
  6. Add wine,add enough beef stock to cover up to 1/2 to 2/3 of the meat
  7. Bring to boil,skim,cover,place in oven
  8. To test when cooked,pierce meat,should penetrate without resistance
  9. Remove meat,cover,keep warm skim,adjust consistency,flavor and color
  10. Finish with chopped parsley,garlic and lemon zest gremolata.

Hollandaise Sauce


  • Butter unsalted                300g(clarified 200ml)
  • Egg yolks                        3
  • Lemon juiced                  1/4
  • Vinegar white wine          50ml
  • Wine white                      50ml
  • Peppercorns crushed       3
  • Water                             1 tblsp
  • Cayenne pepper              1 pinch
  • Seasoning                        To taste

  1. Clarify butter and decant
  2. Reduce 50ml vinegar,50ml white wine,and peppercorns by 2/3
  3. Cool and add approx. 40ml water
  4. Separate eggs and add reduction to yolks
  5. Whisk over hot water bain marie (sabayon)
  6. When ribbon stage is reached remove from heat
  7. Add butter gradually while whisking continually
  8. Pass through muslin or a fine sieve
  9. Season with salt,lemon juice,cayenne
  10. Keep at 30-37°C

Beurre Blanc


  • Butter                100g
  • White wine         50ml
  • White vinegar     20ml
  • Shallots fine dice 30g
  • Cream                15ml
  • Seasoning           To taste

  1. Fine dice the shallots then add to a small pot and the vinegar and white wine.
  2. Reduce the liquid and shallots to 1/4 the original volume.
  3. Add cream if chef requires to help the emulsification of the butter,but remember this will change the flavor and color of the end product.
  4. Mix in the diced butter over a very low heat always stir so the mix forms a creamy smooth sauce that is well emulsified.
  5. Season the mix to taste with salt and pepper then strain if a smooth sauce is required. 

Bearnaise Sauce


  • Butter unsalted                        300g
  • Chervil fresh                            2 sprigs
  • Tarragon fresh                         1 sprig
  • Wine white                              100ml
  • Shallot fine dice                       20g
  • Vinegar white whine                50ml
  • Peppercorn crushed                4
  • Water                                     20ml
  • Egg yolks                                3
  • Lemons                                  1/2
  • Cayenne pepper                      Pinch

  1. Clarify butter and decant
  2. Reduce 50ml vinegar,100ml white wine,diced shallots,tarragon stalks,
  3. Chervil stalks and peppercorns by 2/3.Keep herb leaves for the sauce garnish.
  4. Add water and then strain through a fine strainer
  5. Separate eggs,add reduction to yolks
  6. Whisk over hot water Bain Marie (Sabayon)
  7. When ribbon stage is reached remove from heat
  8. Add clarified butter while whisking continously.If it becomes too thick or starts to separate,add a little hot water to bring back to thick coating consistency,and pass through strainer.
  9. Add chopped herbs,lemon juice and season to taste.Add Cayenne if desired then store at 30-37°C for up to 3 hours then throw out.
NB: this sauce should be of a thicker consistency and sharper flavor than Hollandaise.



    • Egg yolks                          3
    • Mustard Dijon                   1 tblsp
    • Oil                                     500ml
    • Vinegar white wine             20ml
    • Seasoning                          to taste

    1. Add egg yolks,vinegar,mustard into a stainless steel bowl.
    2. Add the oil in a thin stream whisking constantly.
    3. Adjust seasoning and consistency.
    NB: Vinegars,mustards and oils can be varied for different flavors.

    Pumpkin Soup


    • Vegetable stock powdered        1/2 tsp
    • Water                                       700ml
    • Brown onion sliced                    100g
    • Butter                                         20g
    • Carrots                                      100g
    • Potatoes                                    150g
    • Pumpkin                                    250g
    • Thyme                                       2 sprigs
    • Cream                                       75ml
    • Parsley chopped                        To garnish

    1. Sweat off onions in butter,then add thyme,pumpkin and carrots diced in 2cm cubes.
    2. Add stock to hot water then add to pot with potatoes.
    3. Bring to boil and then skim.
    4. Simmer for 1 hr or until carrots are soft then puree and pass through a chinoise.
    5. Check consistency of the soup.
    6. Place back in pot and bring back to the boil,add cream and season to taste.Garnish. 



    • Onion                       60g
    • Celery                      60g
    • Capsicum red           60g*
    • Carrots                     60g*
    • Celery                      60g*
    • Zucchini                    60g*
    • Potato kipfler            60g*
    • Garlic fine diced        1 clove
    • Oregano chopped     1tsp
    • Tomato crushed        2/3 cup
    • Veg stock/water        500ml
    • Beans borlotti cooked 50g
    • Macaroni                  60g
    • Parsley finely chopped 1tblsp
    • Parmesan grated       2 tblsp
    • Basil chiffonade         3 sprigs
    * all paysanne


    1. Sweat onions,carrot,celery and leek.
    2. Add garlic and oregano and cook out.
    3. Add tomato,stock,potato and capsicum.
    4. Bring to boil then place on low simmer for 30 min or until potatoes are cooked.
    5. Add beans,zucchini and pasta and cook for a further 10 min or until the pasta is cooked and vegetables are tender.
    6. Season to taste and add parsley through the soup.
    7. Garnish with basil and parmesan just before serving.

    Clarified Butter Croutons/Sippets


    • Butter unsalted          300g
    • Bread                       3 slices


    1. Place unsalted butter in a bowl above a low simmering pot of water (Bain Marie).
    2. Once butter has melted turn off so the butter solids do not boil through fat.
    3. Skim off the butterfat or Ghee and keep aside for the flying of sippets.
    4. Remove the crust of 2 of the bread slices.Dice into approximately 8mm cubes.
    5. Cut with a round cutter 2×4cm round of bread from another slice.
    6. Heat 1/4 of the clarified butter to medium heat in the pan and fry off the round croute.
    7. Place pan on heat and warm then add butterfat free from any solids.
    8. Add diced bread and toss through the mix moving constantly.This will create evencooking on all sides of the dice and prevent burning of any one side.
    9. Drain on paper towel and serve warm

    Prawn Bisque


    • Brandy hardy black           40ml
    • Butter unsalted                  10g
    • Carrots medium                 50g
    • Cream thickened               50ml
    • Flour rice                          1 tblsp
    • Onion brown                     50g
    • Paprika sweet                    1/2 tsp
    • Prawn shells & heads         500g
    • Thyme fresh                       2 sprigs
    • Tomato paste                     30g
    • Fish stock                          1L

    1. Roast prawn shells.
    2. Finely chop onion,carrot and brown in a 4 Lt stock pot.
    3. Add shells,flambé with 1/2 brandy.
    4. Add tomato paste,paprika and cook out for 5 min then add fish stock.
    5. Bring to boil,skim,add herbs.
    6. Simmer for 1.5-2 hours.
    7. Dilute rice flour with water,whisk in.
    8. Cook out for 10 min,pass through a chinois then re-boil.
    9. Check consistency,flavor.
    10. Finish with brandy,cream,cayenne pepper.

    Chicken Veloute Cream Soup


    • Butter                                                                70g
    • Flour                                                                 60g
    • Chicken stock hot                                             1L
    • Chicken breast skin off and poached in stock     80g
    • Egg yolks                                                          2
    • Thickened cream                                               80ml
    • Seasoning                                                          To taste
    • Parsley fine chopped                                          To garnish
    • Julienne Vegetables

    1. Heat butter and add flour.Mix together continuously while stirring till a blond roux forms(butter should look crumbly).Cool down to stop the cooking process.
    2. Add the hot stock while whisking in till the mixture is smooth and lump free.Coating consistency should be achieved as the mix boils and forms a thickened stock or veloute.
    3. Check the consistency.Sieve through a fine strainer.
    4. Season to taste then add finely diced chicken pieces approximately 4mm cubed.
    5. Thicken with an egg yolk and cream liaison.Do not boil or reheat after the liaison is added serve immediately.Garnish with Julienne veg,parsley and serve in a hot bowl 250ml.


    Roast Chicken,Apple & Walnut Stuffing


    • Chicken whole                   1
    • Onion Brunoise                  50g
    • Butter                                1 1/2 (peeled)
    • Apples                               50g chopped
    • Walnuts                           
    • All spice
    • Bread white toast               4 slices
    • Parsley                               2 tsp finely chopped
    • Bacon rind less(for barding) 2 rashers
    • Corn flour for jus                1 tblsp
    1. Fold chicken wings under bird.Remove excess fat from inside of carcass and any offal.
    2. Sweat off onions,add marcedoine of apple,season,add all spice to flavor
    3. Cook so apples are still al dente,add walnuts,cool.
    4. Food process the bread into breadcrumbs,add parsley.
    5. Mix all together well by hand,taste,add stuff into chicken cavity.
    6. Place lemon thyme butter slices under the skin of the chicken on the breasts so that when the butter melts it bastes the chicken as it roasts.
    7. Truss the chicken to hold its shape.Barding if required.
    8. Where the thigh of the chicken meets the carcass it is possible to skewer the joints.If the juices run clear the chicken is cooked,as it is the thickest part of the chicken.
    9. If the liquid is bloody then it's not cooked.If the internal temperature of the breast meat near the wing is above 70°C it also indicates the chicken is cooked.
    10. Let the chicken rest in a warm area for at least 20 minutes before portioning and serving.

    Crème Caramel


    • Eggs                               2
    • Milk                                  250ml
    • Sugar caster                  100+30g
    • Vanilla beans                 1/2 or 1/4 tsp imitation essence
    1. Make caramel in a smooth,clean stainless steel or copper pot by placing the 100 grams of dry sugar into 1/4 a cup of water and making slurry.Bring to boil and wash down sides of pot with a clean pastry brush (free of fat and impurities) dipped in water.Watching carefully bring to a caramel,then when brown but not burnt add 1 tblsp of room temperature water off the heat.Check the caramel consistency by using a cold metal spoon to dip intfo the caramel.Cool spoon in cold water.If the caramel is hard then more water has to be added to soften.If the caramel is soft and glue-like then pour a half centimeter into each greased dariole mould.Cool till firm before placing in crème caramel  mix.

    2. Whisk eggs and sugar together.
    3. Heat milk and vanilla bean then slowly add milk to egg mix.
    4. Cool then strain and then skim froth from mix.
    5. Pour into moulds and then cook at 100°C in a water bath,with water covering 3/4 height of moulds.Cook until firm.Make sure you taste one.

    Tempura Vegetable


    • Broccoli                      2 pieces
    • Capsicum red              2 pieces
    • Eggplant                      2 slices
    • Snow peas                  5
    • Pumpkin Japanese       2 slices
    • Zucchini                      100g
    • Plain flour                    100g
    • Corn flour                   100g
    • Seasoning                   1 pinch
    • Soda water iced          260ml

    1. To make the batter: sift together equal amountfs of plain and corn flour,add 1 egg yolk and soda water to make a thin batter.
    2. Whisk 2 eggwhites to soft peak and fold through batter just before serving.

    Moroccan Chicken

    • Chicken whole          1
    • Onion                       100+50g
    • Carrots                     100+50g
    • Celery                      100+50g
    • Coriander                 1/10 bunch
    • Lemons                    1
    • Beans green              50g
    • Moroccan spice        1 tsp
    • Tumeric roots            1 tblsp
    • Wine white                150ml

    1. Break down chicken.
    2. Top and tail 50g beans and cut in half.Onion 50g,celery 50g,carrots 50g cut into macédoine/paysanne.
    3. Make chicken stock with frames and off cuts of celery,carrot and onion.
    4. Simmer for minimum 1 hour.Strain.
    5. Infuse stock with spices,tumeric,lemon zest,lemon juice,wine,coriander roots and stems.
    6. Poach chicken gently in stock.
    7. Add remaining shaped vegetables and blanch in stock to served.
    8. Garnish with fresh coriander and a pinch of Moroccan spice.

    Sunday, September 5, 2010


    Les Salads

    Salad can be one of the most colorful and flavorsome items on the menu.A salad can be a meal in itself,as an accompaniment or a side dish.

    Salad can simply be described as "preparation made up of cold cooked or uncooked ingredients".By strict definition,salads consist of herbs and edible plants,often combined with a dressing,served cold and eaten raw.Today the term "salad" is used much more broadly.They can be served,cold or warm,cooked or raw.

    Traditionally salads were served as an appetizer to refresh the customer's palate for the following course to come,especially when there are a lot of courses on offer.If served as a main course it should be more substantial and nutritious.

    Today in large kitchens salad preparation is under the care of the larder section or the Chef Garde-Manger or cold kitchen.The larder is the coldest part of the kitchen and where all cold items are produced.In some establishments(mainly fine dining)the salad may be produced by the waiter at the table.However the larder section would still do all the preparation work.