Friday, April 8, 2011

Pork Piccattas


  • Butter                                  50g
  • Parmesan cheese                 50g
  • Egg whisked                        2
  • Flour                                   to coat
  • Lemon                                1/2
  • Pork tenderloin                   150g
  • White wine                         50ml
  • Seasoning                           to taste

  1. Clean sinew from tenderloin and cut into two even pieces,butterfly out.
  2. Tenderize both to a thin (3-4mm thick) slice.Coat in flour.Dip in egg mix and parmesan.
  3. Fry immediately in a pan to light golden brown and cooked through turn once only.
  4. Drain on absorbent paper and make a lemon butter sauce.

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