Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beef Stroganoff


  • Mushrooms sliced                                    100g
  • Beef in cut into strips                                150g
  • Butter                                                       20g
  • Stock                                                       1/2 cup
  • Cream sour                                               2 tblsp
  • Gherkins and dill                                       20g
  • Lemon                                                      1/2
  • Onion brown                                            30g
  • Paprika                                                    1 pinch
  • Parsley continental                                   2 sprigs
  1. Thin slice tailpieces and off cuts off beef tenderloins.
  2. Coat beef pieces in flour lightly then seal in a hot pan with oil.
  3. Sauté sliced brown onions and mushrooms in butter.
  4. Add stock,sour cream,seasoning,lemon juice,gherkins and reduce to a coating consistency.
  5. Add meat to warn through and add parsley chopped and paprika for a garnish.

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