Thursday, April 7, 2011

Garlic Prawns and Rice Pilaf

  • Butter                                           30g
  • Wine white                                   50ml
  • Cream thickened                          1/2 cup
  • Garlic crushed                              1 tsp
  • Onion diced finely(1/2 for pilaf)    60g
  • Bay leaf                                       1
  • Parsley continental chopped fine   1 tsp
  • Prawn cutlet deveined                  120g
  • Rice basmati                                150g
  • Wine white                                  50ml
  • Veggie stock or water                 200ml
  1. Use 15g butter to sauté 1/2 of the diced onion and a pinch of garlic for the pilaf.
  2. Add rice and warm up in the pot then add 50ml white whine and the hot stock.
  3. Cover with a tight fitting lid then cook for 12 minutes in the oven at 180° C then remove and leave on the bench with lid on for 7 min before serving.
  4.  Met rest of the butter in a stainless steel pan add onions and sweat off.
  5. Add prawns and garlic.The prawns should start to change color to orange.
  6. Deglaze with white wine and reduce then remove prawns and keep to the side.
  7. Add cream to sauce and reduce to coating consistency.
  8. When ready to serve add prawns to re-warn then add parsley for color.
  9. Serve with rice pilaf.

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