Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vegetable Filo


  • Mustard seeds black                                 1 pinch
  • Oil extra virgin                                           1 tbs
  • Curry powder                                           1/2 tsp
  • Onion thin sliced                                        60g
  • Carrots julienne                                         100g
  • Peas                                                          150g
  • Potato diced                                              150g
  • Pumpkin butternut diced                            250g
  • Sesame seeds                                            1 tsp
  • Stock                                                        1 cup
  • Zucchini halved and sliced                          150g
  • Filo pastry


  1. Heat oil in pan and cook onion,mustard seeds and curry powder over medium heat until onion is soft.Add vegetables and cook for 3 min,stirring well to combine.
  2. Add stock and cook uncovered for 20-25 min or until vegies are soft and liquid has evaporated.Remove from pan,cool completely.
  3. Preheat oven to 220 degrees.
  4. Place 1 sheet of filo pastry on flat surface,lightly brush with oil and top with 2 more sheets,brushing each with oil as you go.
  5. Place half mix along 1 edge,with 2 cm border at each end.Fold in ends and roll up to enclose.Repeat using remaining pastry and filling.
  6. Place rolls on baking paper and spray with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  7. Bake for 20 min or until crisp and golden.Serve cut into slices.

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