Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kofta & Tahbouleh


  • Butter                                          10g
  • Chilies red bullet finely chopped      1/4
  • Cumin ground                              1 tblsp
  • Curry powder                              1 tsp
  • Eggs                                            1
  • Lamb minced                              120g
  • Onion fine brunoise                     60g
  • Pine nuts chopped                       2 tblsp
  • Bread crumbs                              20g


  • Bourghal                                   50g
  • Mint finely chopped                   2 sprigs
  • Parsley finely chopped               1 tblsp
  • Lemon juiced                             2
  • Olive oil                                     1/2 cup
  • Tomato finely diced                    3
  • Spanish onion brunoise               1/2

Season to taste


  1. Soak bourghal in cold water until soft.
  2. Chop parsley,mint and then mix all tahbouleh ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Dice onions and sweat in butter.Cool then add all kofta ingredients together.
  4. Roll into shapes and place on an oiled tray.Put in an oven at 180C for 15 min.

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