Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Warm Quail Salad


  • Cous cous                               50g
  • Honey                                     1tblsp
  • Lettuce tatsio                           50g
  • Mint                                        2 sprigs
  • Orange                                    1
  • Quail jumbo                             1
  • Sumac                                     1tsp
  • Sunflower seeds                      1 tsp
  • Yogurt natural                       2 tblsp
  • Oil                                          1 tsp
  • Seasoning                                to taste

  1. Zest then segment the orange keeping the juice from the unused pulp and pith.
  2. Make dressing by mixing the leftover juice and zest of the orange,1 tspchopped mint,yogurt,honey ad seasoning.
  3. Make marinade from half of dressing.
  4. Add oil to after half for salad dressing.
  5. Debone quail as instructed .Once flat boned place in marinade for 1/2 hr min.
  6. Cook cous cous.
  7. Lightly toast sunflower seeds in a pan with oil to warm.
  8. Cook quail on char-grill/grill plate/salamander.
  9. Breast should be slightly pink.Rest for 5 min in a warm area.
  10. Mix cous cous with orange segments,seeds,dressing torn mint leaves and tatsio lettuce.Place halved quail on top or present,as you prefer.

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