Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oysters Natural/Kilpatrick


  • Ice                                    to serve
  • Bacon rindless                  75g
  • Lemon                              1
  • Lettuce iceberg                 1/6
  • Oyster fresh opened         4
  • Salt rock                          100g
  • Sauce tomato                   1 tblsp
  • Worcestershiresauce        1-2 tsp
  1. Clean and open the oysters as picture below.
  2. Serve the natural oysters over ice with a wedge of lemon.
  3. To make the Kilpatrick sauce, mix the tomato, Worcestershire to taste.
  4. Cut the bacon into lardons and fry lightly draining on kitchen paper when done.
  5. Put a little sauce and bacon into each oyster and bake for 10 min in a very hot oven or under the  salamander.Serve on rock salt.
NB: Do not overcook the oysters or they will become tough and dry.

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